Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Lab #6: Color Choropleth Map

There were a few differences between my printed map and my online map. The background of my online map is a more mustard color, whereas on the printed map it turned out a bright yellow color. The color scheme, on both the printed and online maps, turned out about the same and the distribution changes are visible on both. But, the colors on the online map appear much sharper than my printed map. For this map, I prefer the online map over the printed map. This is because the online map has more depth in color than the printed map. The rust color scheme I chose was used to represent the pressure of unemployment on areas with higher percentages, and the lack of pressure on areas with lower percentages. This color scheme turned out much better than the grayscale color scheme, I believe, because it is easier to differentiate the steps in distribution. However, if I were to change this map I might have tried to change the color of the neat-line around the map, title, legend, Alaska, and Hawaii to white instead of black. But I like how this turned out!

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